The FDA is set to impose major changes to nutrition labels
on food packages for the first time in over 20 years. The organization sites
the need to bring labels up to speed with the contemporary American diet as a
catalyst for the change. New labels are meant to be easier to understand and
will be based on expanded portion sizes. Added sugars are in the center of the
change with new labels making the distinction between natural and manufactured
sugar additives. Many in the FDA and other nutritionists explain that the
expensive change is necessary in the fight against obesity in the US. Even First
Lady Michelle Obama praised the initiative and promoted the changes at the anniversary celebration for her “Let’s Move”
campaign aimed at reducing obesity.
Consumers have a right to know what they are putting into
their body. However, some new label requirements could force food and beverage
companies to put nutritional information both good and bad on the front of
their packaging. Could this potentially impact the branding and packaging of
these products? What about products high in added sugar? Does this change damage
their brand? What impact will these changes have on the way consumers view food
and beverage products?