Monday, September 16, 2013

Overly Caffeinated?

Caffeine is a drug that many of us consume on a daily our morning cups of coffee, in our afternoon sodas and perhaps in our late night study-help energy drinks. Most of us are aware of the amount of caffeine we're taking in and have made a conscious decision to consume it. The FDA considers less than 400mg/day of caffeine to be "safe" for adults. There is no established amount of caffeine that is safe for children, according to the FDA.

There is new concern over some recently released products that contain caffeine. The reason? Because these are products that wouldn't "normally" be associated with caffeine. Waffles, syrup, sunflower seeds....sound strange? Caffeinated jelly beans?  Hmmm....

What are your thoughts on these new products? Do you think that there is anything wrong with adding caffeine to "non-traditionally caffeinated" products? If not, should there be any regulations?  What should the FDA's role be?

1 comment:

  1. I don't think there should be caffeine in any products that don't normally contain them. Among the college student population alone I think that caffeine consumption is way too high. I have personal friends who can't live a day without Starbucks coffee and it's pretty scary to me. Sure I get tired and need pick me ups throughout the day, but I have never resorted to coffee as that energy source. There are many other people who drink caffeinated products as well. The main products coming to mind being energy drinks such as Red Bull or Monster. The "5 Hour Energy" shots have become increasingly popular among the caffeine hungry crowd. As it stands right now caffeine consumption is on a rise and in my opinion it's not a good thing. Probably in the long run it will not have great effects on your body and the dependency alone of caffeine is a serious issue. The FDA should step in and not allow products to have caffeine to those that originally didn't contain any. Since there is no specified "safe" amount for children to intake, it could have a very harmful effect on them if they were to be put in waffles or syrup which would ultimately lead to cereal. The rise to obesity would even go higher since kids love the sugar foods, but at the same time it will give them caffeine and keep them coming back for more.
