Thursday, September 15, 2011

Crazy Prices, Crazy Consumers, Just Plain Craziness

By now you've all heard that Missoni released a "Missoni for Target" line on Tuesday, Sept. 13th.  It caused madness on the Target website, crashing it numerous times throughout the day, as well as madness within and outside the stores (nearing the length of lines outside an Apple store that precede an iPhone release). 

All of this is because this is a high end designer who is "bringing the high end to the masses." They created a 400-piece line exclusively for Target.  So, they're making cheaper versions of the brand and selling the Target version of the $500 shirt for $100. 

Of course all of those consumers were not buying the products for themselves, but rather because they want to make a tidy profit when they turn around and sell it for five times as much as they paid.  By Thursday there were over 40,000 Missoni products available on eBay and a lot more available on Craigslist. 

Is this crazy consumer behavior?  Would you buy the Missoni stuff from ebay and Craigslist at such insanely marked up prices?  Or do you know friends who would do it?

Thoughts please!


  1. After thinking about this post, I know that I would not buy marked up Missoni off Amazon or any web site. I understand that it is Missoni and that is a very classy, high fashion brand but to buy the marked up version that someone bought at Target just seems unreasonable and quite ridiculous. If I wanted to wear Missoni and had the money to afford it I would just buy it at the store. The consumers who are trying to sell the pieces that they bought online are doing a smart thing to make a profit, but I feel that the people who are buying them off Amazon for a ridiculous price are acting on instinct and should instead should just buy the original Missoni if they plan on spending a lot of money for a marked up Target Missoni piece.

  2. First and foremost, I want to point out that I am not Missoni's target demographic. I do think it's a great move on behalf of Missoni and Target and that the trend of "bringing the high end to the masses" is a profitable business model that will continue to occur. As much as people like Missoni and want to get their hands on the discounted goods, I just don't see a compelling reason to pay marked up prices on sites such as Craigslist, Amazon, and eBay. - Tony Mandarano

  3. For me, people who buy Missoni stuff at Target and sell it from Ebay and Craigslist are not the real consumers of this brand. They only want to take advantage of the money that “real lovers” of this brand can spend on Missoni stuff. I think that they don’t really care of the brand and its meaning.

    However, it is more difficult for me to understand people who spend a large amount of money for Missioni stuff coming from Ebay. Indeed, they can find the equivalent at the stores by spending less money. The only way I can understand this behavior is if the buyer is like a “collector”. For me, in this way, the buyer is a real “lover of the brand” and has developed some emotional relations with this brand. For this “collector”, a Missioni stuff coming from Target is considerate as unique. That is why, I could understand that this kind of consumers plans to spend a lot of money.

    For the others consumers, it’s for me an excessive behavior. Personally, if I would like to buy some Missioni stuff, I would prefer to go to the Missioni shop and buy a “real” and original Missioni shirt. This behavior is more significant for me. I would have the impression to spend my money for something worthwhile - (Claudine Michel)

  4. From a consumer standpoint, if I wanted the lower end products that Missoni is providing I would purchase them from Target. On the other hand if I wanted the top quality products that they offer, I would research and purchase them from whomever has the legit items at the best price. What I would not do is by any of these products off of sites such as Ebay and Craigslist. Purchasing items off of site likes these leave a gray area, the purchaser can be receiving lower end products for higher end pricing. I think that the "Hustlers" who are trying to take advantage of second hand consumers by selling lower end products for higher prices will not be successful. The only way I can see these "hustlers" profiting is if they are selling to second hand consumers that know nothing about the product that they are buying. Seeing that Missoni is such a high end designer, I would think that the individuals purchasing these items know exactly what they are spending their hard earned cash on.

  5. I personally would not buy such marked up items on eBay or Craigslist, knowing that Missoni for Target was created in order to sell their line CHEAPER than in the actual retail Missoni stores. I think a lot of the sellers of these marked up items will definitely be making a good profit, but it's unfortunate that is the part of the reason Missoni for Target and such other brands sell out so quickly - is because people buy mass amounts to mark up the price and sell them online. If this line had not sold out within the first few hours, I would have definitely bought a few pieces, but that's what happens case and point when a high end designer creates a more affordable line for a store. People see money making opportunities and go crazy for it.

  6. It's a shame that the cheaper versions of the Missoni clothes sold out so quickly and won't be able to be used for their intended use - to allow customers to buy Missoni who normally wouldn't be able to afford such expensive clothing. It makes me wonder why I sometimes spend so much money on clothes - cheaper clothes can be just as stylish and of the same quality as more expensive clothes. I wonder if the cheaper Missoni clothing is really that much different from the normal, expensive line, in terms of quality, or if the only difference really is price and the image that comes with buying expensive clothes. -Lisa Leyda
