Monday, February 27, 2012

Social Seating?

Do you want to know who you're about to sit next to on the airplane?  Would you go so far as to sign up for a "Seat and Meet" social networking site in order to pick who you'll be sitting next to?  Business contacts?  Potential dates?

That is what two airlines are proposing.  KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and Malaysia Airlines are allowing passengers to share their social profiles and photos prior to boarding, in order to have a greater probability of sitting next to someone that they share interests with/are attracted to.  At this point it is definitely an opt-in program and your profile gets deleted at the end of the flight.  Still....

What are your thoughts on this?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Digitally Amputating Limbs?

What are your thoughts on the ad from New York's health department's attempt to get people to eat less?  In an effort to get people to choose smaller portions, this ad was created. The man's leg was digitally amputated. 

Do you think the ad is impactful?  Will it have the intended effect?  Should the ad agency have found someone who actually suffered from diabetes and who actually had their leg amputated or does it not make a difference?