Thursday, October 31, 2013

Up in Smoke

New York’s city council voted this week to raise the legal age to buy tobacco products to 21. The reason for the change - NY Health Commissioner Thomas Farley says 80 percent of the city’s adult smokers start before age 21. Additionally, New York has set the minimum price of a pack of cigarettes at $10.50 and upped the fines for illegal and untaxed sales.  Mayor Michael Bloomberg argues that these measures will effectively decrease the use of cigarettes among 18-20 year olds.

We all know smoking causes cancer yet cigarettes are still a part of pop culture and are marketed to young people. Tobacco companies, although heavily regulated, look to appeal to a young, hip generation. Will these changes help to deter young people from smoking? What implications could this potentially cause for tobacco business? Do you think these new restrictions are fair for tobacco businesses? Will this new policy have an effect on tobacco advertising’s target market? Comment with your view on this ethical issue.


  1. I think this is an ethical action taken by New York city's council because it is such a big problem in the state as a whole. Although I am not from New York city, I grew up in New York state, where I find that smoking is almost normalized. Most people are not criticized for smoking and a lot of "non-smokers" smoke with friends because it is often times a social activity. I know that the cigarette prices have caused a lot of people I know to cut down on their smoking or go to reservations to get tax free cigarettes. I think increasing the smoking age will help deter smokers because in my opinion some people buy their first tobacco products at 18 because it is a "right of passage". Plus under 18 year olds can easily get cigarettes bought for them because 18 year old high schoolers are able to buy them. I think the restrictions will definitely cost the tobacco business money but they are fair.

  2. I believe that this is a proactive ethical approach used by New York city's council to attempt to decrease the amount of smokers amongst 18-20 year-olds. I do think that these changes will effectively deter the amount of young people from smoking. Just like drinking, there will be 18-20 year-olds who still find a way to access cigarettes; however, by making it illegal for those individuals to purchase cigarettes there will be less access to cigarettes. These restrictions are fair for tobacco companies, since the harmful effects of cigarettes are so severe. This is definitely a disadvantage for to tobacco companies, but this is only a small percentage of the population that is restricted from purchasing cigarettes.

  3. I think this is a great step taken by the city of New York and trying to curb the smoking rate. I believe that overall it will help lower the smoking rate of those below 21, but at the same time it might cause a rebellion of young kids to try and want to smoke even earlier. The results probably lie in alcohol drinking among minors. Tobacco companies will probably try and target more kids under the age of 21 than before since they know that by advertising it it will make them want to do it more before they are 21. I definitely think that this action is ethical and very good step in the right direction towards tobacco consumption, but at the same time only time will tell us how well this new law will work for the people of New York.
